PUBLIC INPUT: Open to the Public - 2 minutes maximum per person or 5 minutes for a group spokesman. The Board of Parks and Recreation President will recognize individuals on an alternating basis to allow the presentation of different views on the same topic. In addition, the President at its sole discretion may recognize individuals wishing to speak on different topics at any time, All speakers will be timed by the Director of Parks and Recreation. This portion of the meeting shall not exceed 15 minutes.
Public comments may also be submitted electronically. If you have a question or comment about an item on the agenda, please email that question or comment to the Director of Parks and Recreation, no later than 4:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Mr. Heintz will ensure that all submissions are shared with the Board of Parks and Recreation and that the submission will also be entered into the minutes of the meeting. Please keep your comments civil and constructive to public policy issues.