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Town of Munster
Town Council Regular Meeting 03/02/2020 - REVISED
Munster Town Hall, Main Meeting Room
Monday, March 02, 2020 at 07:00 PM


Call To Order

Roll Call

Moment of Silence

Pledge of Allegiance

45th Street Construction Update

Public Comment - 2 minutes maximum per person or 5 minutes for a group spokesperson. Please keep your comments civil and constructive to Public Policy issues. The Chair at its sole discretion may recognize individuals wishing to speak on different topics at any time and may end the Open to the Public Session. All speakers will be timed by the Clerk-Treasurer. This portion of the meeting shall not exceed 20 minutes.

  1. CONSENT AGENDA (The items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered under one motion with a roll call vote. If a Council Member wishes to have an item removed from the agenda for further discussion, it will be considered separately under General Orders. The Chair will entertain a motion for approval.)
    1. Approval of the Minutes
      1. Minutes of the Regular Town Council Meeting on February 17, 2020
        Documents: Minutes
    2. Confirmation/ Approval of Voucher Register
      1. Confirmation of Voucher Register #20-2N dated 2/18/20 totaling $15,208.86
        Documents: Register #20-2N
      2. Confirmation of Voucher Register #20-2O dated 2/20/20 totaling $110,991.65
        Documents: Register #20-2O
      3. Confirmation of Voucher Register #20-2P dated 2/26/20 totaling $3,525.00
        Documents: Register #20-2P
      4. Confirmation of Voucher Register #20-2Q dated 2/27/20 totaling $466,892.39
        Documents: Register #20-2Q
      5. Confirmation of Voucher Register #20-2R dated 2/28/20 totaling $375,160.26
        Documents: Register #20-2R
      6. Confirmation of Voucher Register #20-2S dated 2/28/20 totaling $344,041.98
        Documents: Register #20-2S
      7. Confirmation of Voucher Register #20-2T dated 2/26/20 totaling $350.96
        Documents: Register #20-2T
      8. Confirmation of Voucher Register #20-2U dated 2/29/20 totaling $164,921.72
        Documents: Register #20-2U
      9. Approval of Voucher Register #20-3A dated 3/2/20 totaling $74,790.23
        Documents: Register #20-3A
      10. Water Leak Adjustment
        Documents: Adjustment
      11. Red Flag Report
        Documents: Report | Ordinance #1424 | Ordinance #1514
  2. OLD BUSINESS (Roll Call Vote Required - All Resolutions and Ordinances; *Items to request waiving the rules and adopting on first reading.)
    1. Ordinance #1793: Confirming Certified Budget for the Year 2020
      Documents: Memo | Exhibit A | Ordinance #1793
    2. Ordinance #1794: Defining the Nominating Committee
      Documents: Memo | Ordinance #1794
    3. Appointment to the Munster Municipal Corporation
    4. Renewal of EMA Designation Appointment
      Documents: Memo
    5. Resolution #2065: Approving and Authorizing Extension of Contract - Sidewalk Replacement Program
      Documents: Memo | J&J Newell Concrete Pricing | Resolution #2065
    6. Resolution #2066: 2020 Sidewalk Raising Program
      Documents: Memo | Level Rite Concrete Pricing | Resolution #2066
    7. Town of Munster Tree Service
      Documents: Memo | Bids
    8. West Lakes Generator Repair
      Documents: Memo | Novatek/Midwestern Proposals | Novatek Invoice | Midwestern Electric Invoice
    9. Linden Group, Inc. Settlement
      Documents: Settlement Agreement and Mutual Release
    10. Ordinance #1795: Landscape Code Revision
      Documents: Memo | Plan Commission Certification | Ordinance #1795
    11. Streetscape and Corridor Improvement Plan Service Contract with Teska Associates, Inc.
      Documents: Memo | Proposal
  5. ANNOUNCEMENTS - All Town Council meetings will begin at 7:00pm unless otherwise noted.

March 9 - No Meeting

March 16 - Regular Town Council and Redevelopment Commission Meeting

March 23 - No Meeting

March 30 - No Meeting

April 6 - Regular Town Council and Redevelopment Commission Meeting

April 13 - No Meeting