BZA24-009 CONDITIONAL USE: Sukhwinder Singh Basra Owner of DP Petroleum, LLC requests a Conditional Use from Table 26-6.405.A-6 PRINCIPAL USE, Motor Vehicle- Related Uses Category for a Motor Vehicle Cleaning Facility (car wash) at the Marathon service station at 9451 Calumet Avenue. Documents: BZA24-009 Staff Report
BZA24-010 DEVELOPMENTAL STANDARDS VARIANCE: Diana Garza of Doyle Signs is requesting variance(s) from SECTION 26-6.701(B) (5) t. to allow for an existing cabinet sign; TABLE 26-6. 701. B SIGN TYPES, MONUMENT SIGN, Dimensions and Additional Standards to replace the copy of an existing BMO Harris Bank monument sign; and from TABLE 26-6. 701. B SIGN TYPES, WALL SIGN, Dimensions and Additional Standards for one new BMO Bank wall sign at 915 Ridge Road. Documents: BZA24-010 Staff Report
BZA24-011 DEVELOPMENTAL STANDARDS VARIANCE: Jeanne Armando of MRV Architects, Inc is requesting variance(s) from SECTION 26-6.701(B) (5) c. and t. to allow for an existing cabinet sign; TABLE 26-6. 701. B SIGN TYPES, MONUMENT SIGN, Dimensions and Additional Standards to replace the copy of an existing Taco Bell monument sign; and from TABLE 26-6. 701. B SIGN TYPES, WALL SIGN, Dimensions and Additional Standards for three new Taco Bell wall signs at 7949 Calumet Avenue. Documents: BZA24-011 Staff Report
BZA24-008 DEVELOPMENTAL STANDARDS VARIANCE: Eric Stojkovich with Stojkovich, Inc and Chad Groen with Groen Landscape representing Steve Westerberg, residential property owner, were denied two Developmental Standards Variances from TABLE 26-6.405.A-3 DISTRICT STANDARDS for LOT OCCUPATION and BUILDING STANDARDS to construct a 3,784 square feet (43' X 88' ) accessory structure 20 feet tall to enclose an existing sports court at 10125 Norwich Drive. Documents: BZA24-008 Findings of Fact
BZA24-004 DEVELOPMENTAL STANDARDS VARIANCE: Dr. Mubarak Mirjat for Maximum Rehabilitation Services received approval for a variance from Table 26-6.701.B. WALL SIGN-Standards-Description to install a wall sign along the Drive Aisle Facade, north side of the building with the condition that the proposed sign be centered over the north entrance of the tenants space located at 8220 Calumet Avenue, Suite B. Documents: BZA24-004 Findings of Fact
ORDINANCE 1830: Policy by which members of boards and commissions may participate by electronic means of communication. Documents: Ordinance 1830
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