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Meeting ID: 507 875 5757
Passcode: 126807
Call To Order
Roll Call
Moment of Silence
Pledge of Allegiance
Public Comment - We kindly ask that all in person public comment is limited to 2 minutes. There will be a total of 20 minutes allotted for the public comment section. Comments will be timed by the Clerk-Treasurer. The Council may exercise its discretion in allowing public comment to extend past 20 minutes but is not required to do so.
Please keep your comments civil and constructive and related to Public Policy issues. In the event questions are posed to the Council, we will note your question in the meeting minutes, and we will refer questions to the appropriate department or staff for follow-up and response. The president at their discretion may ask or recognize speakers with different points of view to speak at the meeting.
Public comments may also be submitted electronically. If you have a question or comment about an item on the agenda that you would like to have entered into the meeting minutes, please email that question or comment to the Clerk-Treasurer, Wendy Mis at
CONSENT AGENDA (The items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered under one motion with a roll call vote. If a Council Member wishes to have an item removed from the agenda for further discussion, it will be considered separately under General Orders. The Chair will entertain a motion for approval.)
Approval of the Minutes
Minutes of the Regular Town Council meeting on June 3, 2024
Confirmation/ Approval of Voucher Register
Confirmation of Voucher Register #24-4L dated 04/30/24 totaling $98,260.50
Approval of Voucher Register #24-4M dated 04/30/24 totaling $162,917.07
Confirmation of Voucher Register #24-6B dated 06/06/24 totaling $536,669.36
Confirmation of Voucher Register #24-6C dated 06/10/24 totaling $55,382.95
Confirmation of Voucher Register #24-6D dated 06/10/24 totaling $28,938.19
Confirmation of Voucher Register #24-6E dated 06/10/24 totaling $2,000.00
Confirmation of Voucher Register #24-6F dated 06/13/24 totaling $1,318,752.23
Approval of Voucher Register #24-6G dated 06/17/24 totaling $378,137.32
Confirmation of Voucher Register #24-6H dated 06/14/24 totaling $503,759.58
Treasurer's Report
OLD BUSINESS (Roll Call Vote Required - All Resolutions and Ordinances; *Items to request waiving the rules and adopting on first reading.)
Ordinance #1955: Maple Leaf PUD Amendment
Ordinance #1956: Traffic and Vehicles
Ordinance #1957: Weeds and Grass
Ordinance #1958: Ordinance Violations Bureau
Ordinance #1959: Amending Schedule A
Engagement Letter: Water Loss Audit
Engagement Letter: Water System Model
Engagement Letter: MS4
Agreement: Cybersecurity Grant Program
Agreement: AT&T FirstNet
Public Works - Purchase of Pick up Truck
Beverly Place Landscape Assessment & Design
Northcote Traffic Calming
Ridge Road
Purchase of Speed Humps
ANNOUNCEMENTS - All Town Council meetings will begin at 7:00pm unless otherwise noted.
July 1, 2024 - Regular Town Council meeting and Regular Redevelopment Commission meeting